Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm sorry for abandoning you, Food Love...

Oh my! I guess about half way through my pregnancy I abandoned you. Now I'm ready to start seeing you again, Food Love, if you'll have me back. Puh-lease, Food Love, take me back, I'm ready to cook again.

On my trip to CA I picked up am Everyday with Rachael Ray magazine to read in the car. This week I have some recipes to try, including Chicken Satay Noodle Salad and BLD Carbonara Pizza.

Happy cooking!


Andee said...

Annie, you've returned to the saddle much sooner than I. I've been cooking out of bags in the freezer lately, and hope to try my hand at the real thing very soon!

Annie said...

Well, you do have two kids to chase around now. Deserving of my utmost admiration.